Archive for January, 2016

190. Groundhog Day

One of the most original screenplays to ever emerge from Hollywood, this seriously funny comedy ponders the very meaning of our existence.

189. Genocide in Cinema

Blighted with massacres since Biblical times, the word genocide was not coined until 1944. How has cinema faired in depicting it?

188. David Bowie

Major Tom, Ziggy Stardust or The Thin White Duke. Who was David Bowie is the wrong question to ask. Much better to ponder on what he made and why.

187. The Revenant

Originally pitched as a simple story of revenge, under Alejandro Inarritu’s direction The Revenant became a journey of spiritual release.

186. Spotlight

Spotlight is more than just an investigation into the child abuse scandals that riddled Boston’s Archdiocese. It is an examination of the institutions we create.

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