266. Thelma & Louise

Thelma & Louise

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5 Responses to “266. Thelma & Louise”

  1. Just listened to your Thelma & Louise podcast. Wondering if you are aware of a new documentary on the film festival circuit: ‘Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise.’ The trailer and background information is available at http://www.CatchingSightOf.com . After hearing your comments about T&L, I’m certain you will enjoy the documentary.
    It is a powerful, intimate, timely, film about the truth of women’s experience in the world. Clips from ‘Thelma & Louise’ serve as a catalyst for personal stories by viewers who saw the film in 1991 and wrote about it at that time. Fast forward 25 years and witness the same women and men as they share their present day reactions to the film and its place as a cultural icon.

  2. Hello Jennifer,

    Thank you very much for listening in and also for taking the time to get in touch.

    Although I had spent quite a bit of time online seeking out interviews that Callie Khouri and Ridley Scott have conducted since the film was released, I must admit complete ignorance of your documentary. So I am very grateful that you have alerted me to it. I’ve just seen the trailer and … well, let me put it this way. Had I known that your documentary was out there, I wouldn’t have presumed to undertake a 15 minute podcast. Even in the 150 second trailer, you covered far more and far more comprehensively.

    Congratulations on the award and festival screenings! Is there any chance of it screening at a festival in Ireland? Or perhaps if it comes available on-line, you might be so kind as to let me know.

    Many thanks once again,

    • Steven, Thank you for the kind words. Quite a while ago I submitted my film to the Cork Film Festival which takes place in mid-November. With any luck I’ll be there and hopefully you can make it, too. Wish me the luck of the Irish.

      May I quote from your response? I’d be delighted to send listeners your way. Film buffs need to know about your podcast.

      It’s looking like ‘Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise’ won’t be available online until early 2018.

  3. Jennifer,

    Fingers crossed Cork will say yes. I’d happily travel down the road to see it.

    I myself screened in Cork several times, and with a bit of success. If you check out the short film here in my website, Escape, which won two awards way back at the turn of the millennium. And then the feature film, Poison Pen which I co-directed (it didn’t win anything there, but it won Best Feature in Ojai, CA.

    Please feel free to quote my response. And yes, you’re very kind to send any listeners my way!

    Best wishes,

  4. Steven, I feel happy to have discovered you. I went to your website before seeing your response here and, we must have been on the same wavelength, because I started to watch Escape, as it was the one that appealed most to me. But, I only watched a bit, then steeled myself to get back to work, and keep it for another time… hopefully this evening.

    However, I couldn’t resist listening to ‘Walkabout.’ That was one of my favorite movies. I could easily be seduced by your cache of podcasts, but they will have to wait.

    I, too, have submitted to the Ojai festival. It’s interesting to me that you would have even found that, being so far away. I have never been there, but have friends who moved there from Seattle. And they keep hoping my film will screen there. It sounds like a charming town.

    Do you have an email address I can use other than this site?

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