Tag Archives: Anthony Minghella

396. L’Avventura

With this modernist masterpiece, Michelangelo Antonioni told a story that abandoned its initial plot. Booed at Cannes, it paved the way for a new cinematic form.

Persona – After and Before

This short video-essay position Ingmar Bergman’s Persona in terms of what came after it and what went before. It shows how Bergman visualised his central theme of identity.

248. Writers

All films begin at a keyboard. But whether the film is about screenwriters, journalists, novelists or composers, how does cinema depict the art of writing?

103. The Talented Mr. Ripley

The 1960 adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s novel was already so revered, was Anthony Minghella wise to try a new version?

97. The English Patient

Lyrical language and elliptical plotting can work in a novel, but not necessarily in cinema. Does The English Patient succeed?

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