Tag Archives: Cary Grant

383. Notorious

Forget Vertigo. Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest film is Notorious. With his usual McGuffin, he wrapped a paranoid love story inside an espionage thriller about genocide.

371. The Right Stuff

Tom Wolfe’s superb account about the early days of NASA’s space program needed filmmakers who shared a daring similar to the maverick pilots.

369. North by Northwest

If small details are the important, this is really about a woman’s quest for significance and a man’s need for a make-over.

108. The Usual Suspects

The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist. Is this the greatest heist movie ever made?

82. Roman Holiday

How do you cast a movie star in a story about a Princess who does not want to be a Princess? You cast an unknown. Ladies and Gentlemen, Audrey Hepburn.

14. It’s a Wonderful Life

Based on a short story no one would publish, It’s a Wonderful Life is a seasonal favourite with a surprisingly dark tone.

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