Tag Archives: Clint Eastwood

385. Unforgiven

Originally titled Whore’s Gold, Clint Eastwood’s Oscar-winning western exposes the psychosis, bigotry and misogyny at the heart of the genre’s mythology.

333. Zodiac

When a film breaks with tradition, it is often rejected by audiences. Which may be why Zodiac was not initially recognised as the groundbreaking masterpiece it is.

321. Die Hard

What makes a classic film? The plot’s originality, director’s vision, or the star’s magnetism? Paradoxically, any, all, yet none of the above. It’s the audience.

314. Investigation of a Citizen above Suspicion

Elio Petri’s bitterly satirical Oscar winner from 1970 cuts a stark picture of today’s political leaders.

189. Genocide in Cinema

Blighted with massacres since Biblical times, the word genocide was not coined until 1944. How has cinema faired in depicting it?

155. Jazz in Film

If jazz really is the authentic American art form, why are there so few great jazz movies? No matter, at least there are dozens of great jazz soundtracks.

141. Once Upon a Time in the West

Sergio Leone’s masterpiece doesn’t only reference American westerns. He also drew inspiration from an English film.

137. Fatal Attraction

Earning 5 Oscar nominations and $600m around the globe, the success (and controversy) of Fatal Attraction should be squarely laid at the feet of its producers.

136. American Sniper

Clint Eastwood’s latest film has earned 6 Oscar nominations and is breaking box-office records. But does it deserve all the controversy it is generating?

135. Whiplash

With 5 Oscar nominations, Damien Chazelle’s dynamic debut is about jazz, right? Think again. Think it is about an abusive teacher? Think again.

93. The Deer Hunter

If it was originally called The Man Who Came To Play and took place in a Las Vegas casino, how did the story end up taking place in Vietnam during the war?

33. The Wild Bunch

Sam Peckinpah’s masterpiece stands as a landmark western, announcing as it did the beginning of the end to the quintessential American genre.

12. Dirty Harry

‘Dirty Harry and the homicidal maniac. Harry’s the one with the badge.’ With a tag-line like that, no wonder the film has been the subject of controversy.

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