Tag Archives: Gillo Pontecorvo

332. Monsoon Wedding

Intersectionality, hyperlink cinema and cinema diaspora are some terms you can apply to Monsoon Wedding. Another is #MeToo.

286. The Battle of Algiers

The impact of Gillo Pontecorvo’s masterpiece is so great that it extends far beyond cinema and into terrorist organisations, as well as the US Pentagon.

268. Dunkirk

All boring films are alike; every great film is great in its own way. Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk belongs not just to the latter but amongst the greatest ever made.

203. Son of Saul

While cinema has a moral duty to bear witness to history, the problem is that to witness something you have to see it. How can you show the Holocaust?

179. Traffic

Steven Soderbergh’s drama is fifteen years old but came of age the instant it was released because it dared to reimagine the war on drugs.

43. The Bourne Trilogy

The Bourne Trilogy was a shot in the arm to the action genre and each new installment raised the expectation as to what an action picture can do and say.

5. Terrorism in Film

As far back as World War II, Hollywood cinema has assisted in promoting American foreign policy. How has it responded to the 9/11 atrocities?

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