Tag Archives: World War One

350. The Lives of Others

An exposé of life in East Germany under the Stasi, The Lives of Others still frustrated survivors of the totalitarian regime.

328. Nosferatu

Long before it was revered as a masterpiece, F.W. Murnau’s radical reimagining of Bram Stoker’s classic vampire novel had to be saved from the furnaces.

311. Peeping Tom

Reviled upon its release and long out of circulation, the influence of Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom is now to be found in the most unexpected places.

310. Pandora’s Box

There has never been a more iconic and influential hairstyle in all of cinema than ‘the black helmet’ sported by Louise Brooks in Pandora’s Box.

260. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’s influence is so great it reaches far beyond horror and into sci-fi, thrillers, and historical romances.

251. Lawrence of Arabia

David Lean’s enduring masterpiece is a rare breed; an epic but also a portrait that refuses to explain its enigmatic subject.

189. Genocide in Cinema

Blighted with massacres since Biblical times, the word genocide was not coined until 1944. How has cinema faired in depicting it?

161. Dr. Strangelove

Until 1964, Stanley Kubrick had suffered years of set-backs, disappointments and frustration. But he made his reputation with this satire on nuclear war.

136. American Sniper

Clint Eastwood’s latest film has earned 6 Oscar nominations and is breaking box-office records. But does it deserve all the controversy it is generating?

110. The Shawshank Redemption

A box-office flop in 1994, Frank Darabont’s adaptation of Stephen King’s novella is proof that some films deserve a second chance.

75. The Military-Entertainment Complex

How much does the Pentagon help Hollywood? Is Hollywood just the Pentagon’s mouthpiece?

Spielberg’s Techniques

This video-essay examines Steven Spielberg’s career, from his days in television up until War Horse, and shows how he uses the disciplines of cinema to secure specific emotional responses.

45. Spielberg & Friends

Steven Spielberg is one of Hollywood’s most influential filmmakers ever, so what accounts for his phenomenal success?

41. Paths of Glory

Stanley Kubrick’s adaptation of Humphrey Cobb’s novel was not shown in France for three decades and despite the passing years, it still has the power to shock.

13. Platoon

Oliver Stone spent over a decade trying to make a film based on his experiences in Vietnam. Financed on a shoestring, Platoon won four Oscars including Best Picture.

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