Tag Archives: Stanley Donen

381. Singin’ in the Rain

Almost seventy years young, this masterpiece offers up for our modern age unexpected and pertinent meaning.

292. La Ronde

Released in 1950, Max Ophuls’ adaptation of Arthur Schnitzler’s scandalous play is a landmark exhibition of theme and style operating in perfect harmony.

289. Meet Me in St. Louis

This hit from 1944 delivered one of the all-time classic Yuletide songs – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas – as well as redefined the musical genre.

168. Rear Window

He was called The Master of Suspense (a title he coined himself), but for all the thrills did Alfred Hitchcock not make rom-coms wrapped inside mysteries?

102. Movies about Movies

Most movies about moviemaking are little more than trite tributes. Are there any that go beyond the surface of the silver screen?

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