Tag Archives: Tony Scott

The Godfather Trilogy

Adapting Mario Puzo’s best-selling novel, Francis Ford Coppola drew up several themes lying dormant within its pages and augmented them in a uniquely cinematic fashion to create a masterful saga.

358. Memories of Murder

Bong Joon-Ho embraced every cliché of the serial killer genre to examine masculinity, institutional repression and national identity.

343. Gladiator

Going into production, Gladiator had nothing near a finished script yet one simple change to the start of the story turned it into the greatest opera ever filmed.

338. Man with a Movie Camera

Once “too revolutionary”, Dziga Vertov’s avant-garde masterpiece is now felt in Man on Fire, Ratatouille and Inception.

261. Badlands

Terrence Malick’s first feature is not just one of the greatest debuts in the history of American cinema, Badlands also succeeded in redirecting screen violence.

213. Cinema Sex

Orson Welles was one of cinema’s true geniuses but was he correct in claiming that two things cinema couldn’t honestly depict were prayer and sex?

188. David Bowie

Major Tom, Ziggy Stardust or The Thin White Duke. Who was David Bowie is the wrong question to ask. Much better to ponder on what he made and why.

American Trailers

This extended video-essay charts the development and possible future of the America movie trailer. Beginning in 1912, taking in the coming of television and suggesting where it might go in the age of the internet.

Moving Pictures: From Hollywood to Silicon Valley

This extended video-essay examines the innovations at the heart of cinema, focusing on how cinema is coping with the move from Hollywood to Silicon Valley.

75. The Military-Entertainment Complex

How much does the Pentagon help Hollywood? Is Hollywood just the Pentagon’s mouthpiece?

59. The Breakfast Club

By no means the first teen-drama, The Breakfast Club is not just a landmark film for teenagers. It’s essential viewing for adults and teachers as well.

42. Tony Scott

Despite his many box-office successes, critics did not hold Tony Scott in high regard. With the sad news of his death, we offer a re-evaluation of his work.

27. Chariots of Fire

A surprise hit in 1981, Chariots of Fire was nominated for 7 Oscars including Best Picture, Original Screenplay, Score and Costume Design. Does it still have legs?

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